Aurum Resources Limited (ASX: AUE) (Aurum) refers to its off-market takeover offer to acquire all of the ordinary shares in Mako Gold Limited (ASX: MKG) (Mako) announced on 16 October 2024 (Share Offer).
The Share Offer is due to close on 31 January 2025.
Aurum has a relevant interest in 90.23% of Mako shares and is entitled to proceed to compulsory acquisition of the remaining Mako shares in respect of which it has not received acceptances under the Share Offer. This includes any Mako shares that may be issued on conversion of any Mako securities that are convertible into Mako shares within the next six weeks.
A notice of compulsory acquisition (Notice) has been lodged with ASIC today and will be dispatched to all Mako securityholders who have not accepted the Share Offer as required under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) together with a letter informing Mako securityholders about the compulsory acquisition procedure (Letter).
A copy of the Notice and a sample copy of the Letter are attached to this announcement in accordance with section 661B(1)(d) of the Corporations Act.
As required under the Corporations Act, Aurum will also make an offer to buy out the holders of Mako securities that are convertible into Mako shares. Holders of convertible Mako securities will receive notice of this offer separately.
We understand ASX will suspend quotation of Mako shares 5 business days after today, in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.4.
This announcement has been authorised for release by the Aurum Board of Directors.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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